Reduced pain
Better sleep
Increased energy

is how our students describe the benefits achieved working with us.

Join the free webinar
"From Misery to Mastery"

and find out what to do to gain these results.

This online course is closed for enrollment. If you sign up for the waiting list, we will send you a message and you will have the opportunity to register as soon as possible.

Are you dealing with increased discomfort and lack of energy?

If you've ever said any of the following statements:

➡️ "My back is killing me but I can't find a long-term solution!"

➡️ "I don't know how to get through the pain without meds… but I'm scared I'll end up depending on them for the rest of my life."

➡️ "I gain weight no matter how little I eat."

➡️ "I don't lose weight no matter how much I work out!"

➡️ "My knees (or fingers, shoulders, hip...) constantly hurt… I guess I'm just getting old."

➡️ "I have high cholesterol and/or my blood pressure is way too high, but this is just something that runs in my family."

➡️ "I have energy for 3 hours a day and then I just want to go back to sleep."

And if two or more of these apply to you…

  • Increased fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Increased apathy
  • Less endurance
  • Increased pain
  • Poor digestion
  • Decreased libido
  • Inflammation of the musculoskeletal system
  • Joint pain in fingers, shoulders, hips, knees…
  • Constantly deteriorating health
  • Constant diagnosis of new diseases
  • Lack of or decreasing joy
  • Recurrent infections
  • Constant headaches
  • Too much weight loss or weight gain
  • Working less due to health problems
  • Or other chronic discomforts

…then your body systems might be out of balance

When your health is failing, eating healthy and exercising more,
is not always the right answer

It's true — a balanced diet is important for good health – but it might still be the wrong diet for you – or you might be consuming foods you don't tolerate. 

And when you are in chronic pain, you are constantly fatigued, you don't sleep well, and you feel like you've tried EVERY possible solution… it's unfortunately not enough to just go to the gym or go out for walks. You might be in need of total rest, or you might be doing too much, even though it might be very little you do.

You don't need to just "learn to live with these conditions" that make you feel miserable, like some doctors might tell you. And you don't need to associate your aches and pains with your increased age, either.

Join me for this free webinar, where I'll tell you how I reclaimed my health after decades of being severely sick with autoimmune diseases and chronic conditions. And how YOU could bring back your body systems into balance and improve your well-being and stamina.

Sign Up for the Waiting List

Hi, I'm Hildur! Just a few years ago, my condition was so bad that I could only stand upright for about 2 hours a day…

All my life I've had to deal with major health problems. My condition got constantly worse over the years. I had severe pain, no energy, slept poorly, and suffered from chronic migraines.

My different diagnosis had been accumulating all my life, including arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal diseases, chronic fatigue, chronic migraines, thyroid disease, arrhythmia, and many more.

About 7 years ago, I had enough. I refused to be a victim of "incurable" diseases. I swore I would find a way to regain my health and my life.

It took me about two years to develop a program based on the latest researches published. And what followed will astound you. I got rid of almost all of the symptoms that had governed my life up to that point. 

I regained full energy, I got free of my aches and pains, and experienced well-being again.

Since then I have assisted hundreds of people in my home country Iceland, to achieve similar results. 

And now we are finally offering my program in English after repeated requests. My goal is to help as many people as I can, who are experiencing similar struggles I had, to improve their health and well-being.

Hi, I'm Hildur! Just a few years ago, my condition had become so bad that I could only stand upright for about 2 hours a day…

All my life I've had to deal with major health problems. My condition got constantly worse over the years. I had severe pain, no energy, slept poorly, and suffered from chronic migraines.

My different diagnosis had been accumulating all my life, including arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal diseases, chronic fatigue, chronic migraines, thyroid disease, arrhythmia, and many more.

About 7 years ago, I had enough. I refused to be a victim of "incurable" diseases. I swore I would find a way to regain my health and my life.

It took me about two years to develop a program based on the latest researches published. And what followed will astound you. I got rid of almost all of the symptoms that had governed my life up to that point. 

I regained full energy, I got free of my aches and pains, and experienced well-being again.

Since then I have assisted hundreds of people in my home country Iceland, to achieve similar results. 

And now we are finally offering my program in English after repeated requests. My goal is to help as many people as I can, who are experiencing similar struggles I had, to improve their health and well-being.

Join My Free 2Hour Online Webinar:

From Misery to Mastery

Put an end to your long, frustrating search for answers

You'll hear my health recovery story from decades of chronic conditions and autoimmune diseases.

You'll also hear about the tedious research and studies that have helped me in designing my unique program, based on 4 steps towards increased well-being and a better life. 

After incredible success in Iceland, where I helped hundreds of people to find relief from all sorts of autoimmune diseases and chronic ailments, now I'm bringing this program to you in English.

Join me to discover how you can take control of your health.

Hundreds of people have already gained significant improvement in their health and wellbeing by following my program:

"I am extremely grateful that I noticed an ad for Hildur's online courses. Over the years I tried many ways to improve my physical and mental health but it was always a lost battle. Now I finally experience a real opportunity for achieving well-being, and it fills me with joy and gratitude."

Elísabet Ó.

"Your course has totally saved my life. Reclaiming all of my energy, my enthusiasm, and my positivity is something I can't put a price on. It's spread to the rest of the family, and everyone else has been enjoying these benefits too. My mom has started looking after herself and found her balance again."

Íris Anna S.

"I can definitely recommend Hildur's course. After almost five months on the program, my health has improved tremendously, my pain has decreased a lot, and I have gotten rid of type 2 diabetes, which I was on medication for.

I've changed my diet before and done well, but this is the first time I've been able to stay on track. I believe that many factors contribute to positive change. There are, for example, good education and support. There's an emphasis on the mental aspect, an examination of stressors, and last but not least that this is a lifestyle change and not a temporary change in diet.

It's not always easy but it's definitely worth it and I’m convinced that I'll experience more positive changes over time."

Ásta Guðný K.

Hundreds of people have already gained significant improvement in their health and wellbeing by following my program:

"I am extremely grateful that I noticed an ad for Hildur's online courses. Over the years I tried many ways to improve my physical and mental health but it was always a lost battle. Now I finally experience a real opportunity for achieving well-being, and it fills me with joy and gratitude."

Elísabet Ó.

"Your course has totally saved my life. Reclaiming all of my energy, my enthusiasm, and my positivity is something I can't put a price on. It's spread to the rest of the family, and everyone else has been enjoying these benefits too. My mom has started looking after herself and found her balance again."

Íris Anna S.

"I can definitely recommend Hildur's course. After almost five months on the program, my health has improved tremendously, my pain has decreased a lot, and I have gotten rid of type 2 diabetes, which I was on medication for.

I've changed my diet before and done well, but this is the first time I've been able to stay on track. I believe that many factors contribute to positive change. There are, for example, good education and support. There's an emphasis on the mental aspect, an examination of stressors, and last but not least that this is a lifestyle change and not a temporary change in diet.

It's not always easy but it's definitely worth it and I’m convinced that I'll experience more positive changes over time."

Ásta Guðný K.

If you have any questions regarding the webinar, please send us an email at and we'll answer you as soon as possible.


You agree that Hildur's Health Mastery has not made any guarantees about the results of taking any action, whether recommended on this website or not. Hildur's Health Mastery provides educational and informational resources that are intended to help users of this website succeed on the road toward their better well-being. You nevertheless recognize that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable other circumstances beyond the control and/or knowledge of Hildur's Health Mastery.

All testimonials are real. The results obtained by others following the program set out on this website do not guarantee that you or any other person or entity will be able to obtain similar results. By visiting this website or interacting with any portion of this website, you agree that you're fully responsible for any outcomes that may result.

Join me to discover how you can take control of your health

Join me to discover how you can take control of your health


You agree that Hildur's Health Mastery has not made any guarantees about the results of taking any action, whether recommended on this website or not. Hildur's Health Mastery provides educational and informational resources that are intended to help users of this website succeed on the road toward their better well-being. You nevertheless recognize that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable other circumstances beyond the control and/or knowledge of Hildur's Health Mastery.

All testimonials are real. The results obtained by others following the program set out on this website do not guarantee that you or any other person or entity will be able to obtain similar results. By visiting this website or interacting with any portion of this website, you agree that you're fully responsible for any outcomes that may result.