Hildur's Health Mastery

Reduce Pain, Restore Your Energy & Rebuild Your Health


Sign up now and secure your spot in the program with a 10% discount – save €150!

Limited spots available at the discounted price until 8 PM GMT on Friday, March 28th.



Registrations for the course will close 8 PM GMT on Wednesday, April 2nd.


Your body has been trying to get your attention.

And you’ve done your best to listen—but maybe you’ve been missing the right tools or guidance.

Here’s how it often begins:

Your digestion is off, inflammation is high, and no matter how healthy you eat, the weight keeps creeping up.

It feels like what used to work… just doesn’t anymore.

Your energy drops, and the fatigue slowly takes over—until even simple things, like running an errand, start to feel overwhelming.

A short walk might wipe you out. Or maybe getting out the door in the first place feels impossible.

You start to feel trapped in your own body.

The things you used to love—spending time with family, catching up with friends, even your daily routines—begin to feel out of reach.

Doctors might tell you, “You just have to learn to live with it.”
Friends might say, “You just need to move more.”

But deep down, you know there has to be another way.

Does this sound familiar?

(These are the kinds of stories people shared at the start of the program—many of whom went on to experience real recovery.)

"My body is full of inflammation, and I feel pain in every nerve. My digestion is terrible, and even though I eat healthy, I keep gaining weight.

"I’m unhappy with my health. I have joint pain, swelling, heart issues, digestive problems—but what affects me the most is the constant exhaustion and full-body pain."

"Doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong with me."

"I had to reduce my workload due to pain and fatigue, but even then, I’m barely managing. I’m now considering leaving work completely."

"Deep down, I feel like I can’t keep going like this. Nothing seems to help, except for physical therapy, which only provides temporary relief. I’m scared that I won’t be able to fully take part in my children’s lives, and I’ve started withdrawing from social life and the people I care about."

"I feel like I’m becoming a prisoner in my own body. Because of my poor health, there are so many things I can no longer do—like enjoy life, have fun, and spend time with family and friends."

"My family believes my health issues are caused by lack of exercise… maybe because exercise works for them."

You are not alone

"After nearly five months in the program, my health has improved dramatically. My pain has decreased significantly, and I am now free of type 2 diabetes, which I had been taking medication for. My bone density is back to normal—when I started, I had osteoporosis. My doctor even described my latest blood test results as ‘almost unbelievably good.’ I’ve tried changing my diet before with some success, but this is the first time I’ve actually been able to stick with it."

— Asta Gudny Kristjansdottir

Many people are in the same situation as you—struggling with health challenges and trying everything possible to regain energy and reduce pain. Medications, doctor visits, physical therapy, dietary changes, massage, walking, swimming, yoga, even traveling to warmer climates—searching for anything that might help.

Some of these methods may offer you temporary relief, but the pain and discomfort always seem to return. So, you keep searching, hoping to find something that will truly make a lasting difference.

At the same time, you may live with the fear that your life will never be the same again—because inflammation and imbalances in your body make even the simplest tasks feel overwhelming.

And despite all attempts to improve your health and achieve greater well-being, it hasn't worked, and you even feel worse.

When I was at my sickest, it was often a full-day task just to take a shower. That simple act would completely drain my energy reserves for the day. Now, I go on a one-hour walk every day with my dog, Lukka 😍

Here’s the Truth…

This is not your fault.

Too many people suffering from chronic illnesses are told by doctors and health professionals that they just have to “learn to live with it” and that they shouldn’t get their hopes up for recovery.

But that doesn’t have to be your reality.

There Are Over 100 Autoimmune Diseases – and the Number Is Growing

Autoimmune diseases are the third most common category of illness, and many cases go undiagnosed.

Unfortunately, medication can’t cure them—it can only make the symptoms a little more manageable.

You may have been advised to eat a healthy diet, but maybe you’re already eating well, and yet, your health is not improving.

The truth is, eating healthy isn’t enough. Sometimes, the very foods you think are good for you could actually be harming your body.

„Before I joined the program, I was in complete denial about my health. I thought I was eating really well, but this course opened my eyes. I learned so much about nutrition, hidden ingredients, and even my relationship with stress and well-being.“

– Eugenia D.


You Need the RIGHT Nutrition for Your Body to Start Healing

After leading this program for over eight years, I’ve seen that one of the biggest obstacles to better health isn’t just diet — it’s the lack of proper guidance and the right tools.

It makes all the difference to have support and a place where you can connect with others who are facing the same challenges as you. A space where you can continue improving your lifestyle and make sustainable changes for the long run.

“Just Exercise More” – A Common, But Misguided, Advice

Doctors, physical therapists, and even well-meaning family and friends may tell you that exercising more is the answer.

But if you’re struggling with chronic health issues, exercise is not always the best first step towards healing.

Many people push themselves to work out 3–5 times a week, but the scale doesn’t move, and their energy doesn’t improve.

When I was at my sickest, a 10-minute walk would leave me bedridden for 1–3 days, just trying to recover.

People who are in good health often don’t understand what it’s like to not have the energy to do even simple things—like grocery shopping.

The reality is, your nervous system may be completely overworked. Your body might be in survival mode because your internal systems are so out of balance. Even a short walk or light exercise could make things worse.

Stop Blaming Yourself.  It’s Not Laziness, and You Don’t Have to “Just Live with It”

All of this advice—exercise more, eat better, push harder—can destroy your confidence. You might even start blaming yourself, feeling like you’re not doing enough.

But here’s the truth:
self-criticism is a form of stress, and it only adds to the burden your body is already carrying.

So let me tell you this clearly:

🚫 You are NOT lazy.
🚫 You are NOT lacking motivation.
🚫 You do NOT have to “just live with it.”
🚫 Pain and stiffness do NOT have to be inevitable signs of aging.

If your body is out of balance, you need to start by addressing your nutrition and strengthening your nervous system. If you don’t begin here, nothing else will truly work—no matter how hard you try.

Your Body Needs Balance to Heal

You have the opportunity to get your life back —to return to the things you love, whether it’s walking, playing with your children or grandchildren, or joining that cycling or hiking group again.

There’s no magic pill or secret formula that will instantly restore your health.

But here’s the good news:

There is a path forward. Through years of healing my own body and guiding others, I've discovered what truly helps restore energy, rebuild health, and bring back quality of life.

I once believed I had tried everything. And for a while, I completely lost hope. It wasn’t until I put together the exact program that finally brought my body back into balance that I started to see real results.

And this program hasn’t just worked for me—it has helped HUNDREDS of my students regain their health and feel like themselves again.

What One Person Can Achieve, Another Can Too


"Today, I feel like a brand-new version of myself."

Hildur’s Health Journey

For most of my life, I struggled with serious health issues that only seemed to get worse over the years.

A few years ago, my condition had deteriorated so much that I could only be on my feet for two hours a day. I suffered from constant pain and discomfort, had no energy, slept poorly, and dealt with chronic migraines.

I had been diagnosed with a long list of illnesses including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, chronic migraines, low blood pressure, thyroid disease, and more.

Then, about ten years ago, I had enough. I refused to accept that I was destined to live with "incurable" diseases. I made a promise to myself that I would find a way to reclaim my health and my life.

Two years later, I was off all medications, and most of the symptoms that had controlled my life were gone. That’s when people started reaching out, asking how I had turned my health around.

So, I created an online program—a step-by-step system to guide others through the same healing journey I went through.

To this day, way over 1,000 people have gone through my program, and nothing brings me more joy than hearing their incredible success stories and seeing how their lives have changed.

My mission is to help as many people as possible walk this same path to better health. My team and I are committed to supporting you on your journey so you can regain your energy, restore your health, and finally start living the life you dream of.

You could be the person who says:

"Today, I feel like a brand-new version of myself."

"I had high expectations when I joined the program, but both the course and my own progress have exceeded my greatest hopes. I have gained a wealth of new knowledge and the determination to continue prioritizing my health. I am filled with gratitude and optimism after completing the program and highly recommend it."

- Hildur Blondal, Educator and Educational Scientist

"Little by little, the inflammation and pain decreased, and I was nearly in tears of joy when I could do something new—like getting dressed without pain or straightening my fingers. It also brought me immense happiness to see others in the program improving their health. Thanks to Hildur, we were all gaining a new and better life."

– Sigridur Petursdottir, Author

"Somewhere, I read in a health book written by a doctor that we are all sitting on a treasure chest, and if we don’t change our diet, we will never find it. I feel like I have found my treasure chest, and in my mind, anyone who joins Hildur’s program can find theirs too."

– Karitas Palsdottir

This Could Be Your Solution…

Hildur’s Health Mastery A 16-Week Program

The guidance and tools you need to change your lifestyle, regain your energy, health, and happiness.

In this 16-week program, I will guide you towards better health. You’ll learn how I freed myself from almost all the chronic conditions that controlled my life for years and what I do today to maintain an active, pain-free lifestyle.

With warm and supportive guidance from me and my team, you’ll learn how to work with different systems in the body to ensure it has the energy and ability to begin its natural healing process.

This program is about so much more than just removing or adding certain foods, vitamins, and supplements. It’s a holistic approach to the body. That means you’ll also be introduced to techniques that help regulate your nervous system, reduce stress, and support your body, mind, and soul.

You’ll get access to educational video lessons where I personally walk you through each step of the program. You can watch them whenever it suits you throughout the course.

But there’s one thing you need to know—this is not a quick fix. This is a lifestyle shift…

You need to be ready to put in the work.

But you won’t be doing it alone. I will be there, along with my team, to support you every step of the way. You’ll receive guidance and encouragement through weekly Q&As and live online group sessions every other week. You’ll also be part of a private Facebook group, exclusively for those going through the program, where you’ll find additional help, education, motivation, and inspiration to stay on track with your journey toward better health.

"Are you ready and willing to commit to improving your health in every way—physically, mentally, and emotionally?

Then this is truly an empowering program, especially if you are a highly sensitive person like me, someone who needs to take extra care of their health through diet and lifestyle.

Years ago, I read somewhere that parents of autistic children were helping them heal through nutrition. At the time, I never imagined that had anything to do with me. In this program, I got my first real glimpse of the truth—the truth that I can heal from ADHD and PTSD with the help of nutrition, supplements, relaxation, and personal work.

Hildur and her team are loving, kind, encouraging, and reliable. It gives me so much hope to know that many of my symptoms were the same as Hildur’s, and she is living proof of healing.

It’s also incredibly empowering to go through this journey alongside others.
There’s a special energy that forms when we are all working on our health at the same time. We are social beings, whether we like it or not, and we strengthen each other by coming together. This is such a brilliant approach. Thank you so much."

– Kvika Fold, Artist, Dancer, Teacher

"Hildur’s program at Hildur’s Health Mastery gets my full 100% recommendation. It is exceptionally well-structured. We received extensive and valuable information and guidance from Hildur and her team through lectures, Zoom calls, the Facebook group, and Q&As. The support for participants was outstanding, and we could also help each other in the private Facebook group."

– Halla Einarsdottir, Professional Photographer

A Unique Step-by-Step Approach

4 Steps to Reclaim Your Health


Eliminate everything that is preventing your body from starting the healing and rebuilding process.


Introduce nutrient-dense foods that replace what was removed and actively support your health.



your body with essential vitamins and supplements to optimize nutrient absorption and allow it to rebuild and function properly.


Discover the tools and methods that will help you strengthen your mind, body, and spirit throughout the healing journey.

A Unique Step-by-Step Approach

4 Steps to Reclaim Your Health


Eliminate everything that is preventing your body from starting the healing and rebuilding process.


Introduce nutrient-dense foods that replace what was removed and actively support your health.



your body with essential vitamins and supplements to optimize nutrient absorption and allow it to rebuild and function properly.


Discover the tools and methods that will help you strengthen your mind, body, and spirit throughout the healing journey.

Gudny's Success Story

With joy in my heart and happiness radiating from me, I cannot recommend this incredible program enough. The amazing team at Hildur’s Health Mastery has truly changed my life.

I’ve struggled with various health issues since childhood, and about 21 years ago, I suffered the devastating loss of a child. Trauma takes its toll on our health in ways we don’t always realize, and over the years, my body accumulated multiple conditions. My energy levels were so low that I couldn’t hold down a full-time job after my daughter’s passing. I barely had the strength to take care of the most basic daily tasks.

Year after year, my health continued to decline, and every time I turned to doctors, I was given the same response: 'There’s nothing to be done—you’ll just have to learn to live with it.' The only option they offered was medication, which provided temporary relief at best. I’ve never been one to rely on medication, but when you feel like there’s no other choice, you take what’s offered and hope for the best.

Like many others, I tried everything: dietary changes, exercise, supplements, and lifestyle modifications. But nothing made a lasting difference. My gut health had been a lifelong struggle, yet every medical test showed 'normal' results. I was stuck, exhausted, and losing hope.

Then, two years ago, I noticed a remarkable transformation in a close relative of mine. She looked radiant, full of life. Curious, I asked her what she had done, and she told me about Hildur’s Health Mastery. Skeptical at first—after all, I had tried so many things that didn’t work—I hesitated. But deep down, something about it made sense.

Now, after completing the 16-week program, my health has improved drastically. My energy levels have multiplied, my body feels stronger, and I’d say my overall well-being has improved by at least 80%. Most importantly, I now understand exactly what I need to do to maintain my health.

The dedication and knowledge that Hildur has put into this program are truly remarkable. I feel incredibly lucky to have taken part. From learning how different foods impact our bodies to understanding food labels, this program has given me knowledge I wish was taught in schools. I’m honestly shocked that most doctors don’t emphasize the importance of nutrition for healing—it makes up 80% of the equation!

Someone once said, 'You are what you eat.' This program made me realize just how true that is. A thousand thanks to Hildur and the team for changing my life.

– Gudny S. Sigurjonsdottir, Mother, Grandmother & Homemaker

What’s Included in Hildur’s Health Mastery Program?

✅ 16-week online program A structured, step-by-step approach to better health
✅ 27 educational video lessons with Hildur guiding you through every phase of the program
✅ 13 additional resources supporting materials inside the online learning platform
✅ 8 hands-on assignments to help you implement changes and track your progress
✅ List of foods to eliminate to remove what’s working against your body
✅ List of recommended foods, vitamins, and supplements –based on Hildur’s approach
✅ Recipe ideas to help you plan nourishing, balanced meals
✅ Private Facebook community to connect with others on the same journey for support and motivation
✅ Weekly live Q&A calls with Hildur’s team answering your questions (replays available if you can’t join live)
✅ Live group coaching calls 1-hour sessions every other week for additional support and guidance. These calls allow us to address personal challenges and tailor advice to your specific situation.

What’s Included in Hildur’s Health Mastery Program?

✅ 16-week online program A structured, step-by-step approach to better health
✅ 27 educational video lessons with Hildur guiding you through every phase of the program
✅ 13 additional resources supporting materials inside the online learning platform
✅ 8 hands-on assignments to help you implement changes and track your progress
✅ List of foods to eliminate to remove what’s working against your body
✅ List of recommended foods, vitamins, and supplements –based on Hildur’s approach
✅ Recipe ideas to help you plan nourishing, balanced meals
✅ Private Facebook community to connect with others on the same journey for support and motivation
✅ Weekly live Q&A calls with Hildur’s team answering your questions (replays available if you can’t join live)
✅ Live group coaching calls 1-hour sessions every other week for additional support and guidance. These calls allow us to address personal challenges and tailor advice to your specific situation.

Hildur’s Health Mastery

Program Overview

Weeks 1 – 4

The first four weeks are all about laying a strong foundation to help your body systems regain balance.

Step by step, you’ll learn:

✅ How to transition into the new nutrition plan
✅ What foods to eliminate and what to add to support your body’s healing process
✅ How to read ingredient labels so you can recognize and avoid harmful additives

Weeks 5 – 12

In this phase, you’ll learn how to support your body’s rebuilding process and make sustainable lifestyle changes that reinforce the positive improvements you’ll start to experience. We’ll cover:

✅ Strategies to strengthen your body, mind, and nervous system through stress-reducing techniques
✅ How to track your progress and ensure you’re getting the right nutrients in the right amounts
✅ Additional healing foods and supplements to deepen your recovery

Weeks 13 – 16

During the final weeks, we’ll focus on how to reintroduce foods after your healing phase. You’ll also learn how to personalize the program to fit your long-term needs so you can maintain your progress and continue improving your health even after the program ends.

Plus 2 Bonuses to help you continue your journey:

Recipe Book

By the end of the second week of the program, you’ll receive a comprehensive recipe book with over 100 recipes specifically designed for the program. These recipes cover a wide range of meal categories, from drinks and soups to breakfast, dinner, and more—so you’ll always have inspiration for healthy and satisfying meals.

Harmful Substances in Your Everyday Environment

Around the middle of the program, you'll learn which harmful substances might be lurking in your home and how to replace them with healthier alternatives. Making these small yet impactful changes can further support your healing journey and overall well-being.

Plus 2 Bonuses to help you continue your journey:

Recipe Book

By the end of the second week of the program, you’ll receive a comprehensive recipe book with over 100 recipes specifically designed for the program. These recipes cover a wide range of meal categories, from drinks and soups to breakfast, dinner, and more—so you’ll always have inspiration for healthy and satisfying meals.

Harmful Substances in Your Everyday Environment

Around the middle of the program, you'll learn which harmful substances might be lurking in your home and how to replace them with healthier alternatives. Making these small yet impactful changes can further support your healing journey and overall well-being.

Live Q&A and Group Support Calls

Making lifestyle changes on your own can be challenging. That’s why having support and a community—where you can ask questions and connect with others facing similar challenges—is invaluable.

Although Hildur’s Health Mastery is not a one-on-one program, there is space for you to get your questions answered and to feel seen, heard, and supported. To ensure you receive the guidance you need, you’ll have access to three key support options:

1️⃣ Weekly Q&A Posts in the Facebook Group
Each week, a dedicated Q&A post will be shared in the private Facebook group. You’ll have the opportunity to submit your questions, and a few days later, we’ll go live to answer them. This is your chance to gain clarity on the course content, get recommendations for program-friendly foods and supplements, and receive answers to anything else you’re wondering about.

2️⃣ Live Group Support Calls Every Other Week
Every other week, we’ll host a live, one-hour group call where you can receive personalized guidance from Hildur and her team. If you're facing specific challenges in the program, this is the space to discuss them and receive tailored advice to help you move forward.

3️⃣ Private Facebook Community
Inside the private Facebook group, you’ll find our team as well as fellow participants. Here, you’ll receive extra resources, recipes, guidance, and encouragement to help you stay on track.

You’re in control of how you engage in this program.
If you prefer not to submit questions publicly, you can email our support team, and we’ll answer your question anonymously in the weekly Q&A session.

➡️ Want even more personalized support?
If you feel you would benefit from extra one-on-one guidance, you may be eligible to join Hildur’s Health Mastery 1:1 Mentorship, where you’ll work through the program with Hildur’s direct support. This includes private coaching sessions and direct access to Hildur via private messaging. Only a couple of spots are available.

➡️ Ef þú telur að þú þurfir meiri persónulegan stuðning, þá áttu kost á að fara í Handleiðsluna, þar sem þú vinnur prógrammið með persónulegum stuðningi frá Hildi í gegnum einkatíma og aðgang að Hildi í gegnum persónuleg skilaboð. Það eru eingöngu örfáir sem komast að í Handleiðsluna hverju sinni.

(3 laus pláss)

You’re here on your own terms. If you’d rather not share your question under your name, you’re welcome to email it to the Heilsubankinn team. We’ll include it—anonymously—in one of the weekly Q&A sessions.

Hildur’s Health Mastery Gets Results

“These 16 weeks following Hildur’s Health Mastery program have given me energy, well-being, and relief from ailments that used to trouble me. I now move forward with this nourishing way of eating, fully confident in my improved health. Thank you for everything so far! I’ll be staying in the support program and look forward to learning even more—Hildur always seems to have so much wisdom to share.”

— Kristin Tryggvadottir, Teacher/Artist

“This program has taught me so much that I never knew about the connection between diet and health. Following the guidance I received has truly made a difference—my energy and overall health have improved significantly. I will continue using this knowledge to enhance my well-being even further.”

— Kristin Mjoll Jakobsdottir

“I wholeheartedly recommend Hildur’s program. She explains everything thoroughly, making it clear why she advises certain changes, and for me, that has made all the difference. This program has helped me achieve better physical and mental health and taught me what I should and shouldn’t be eating. It has also brought greater balance into my life. Thank you!”

— Helga Markusdottir, Teacher

How Expensive Is It to Be Unwell?

How much is a good night’s sleep worth? Many people spend a significant portion of their income on consultations and various remedies for sleep problems.

It’s a sobering fact that once you are diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, you are 33% more likely to develop another one.

As your health declines, your expenses rise—the cost of medications, doctor visits, medical tests, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and all the different treatments you try in search of relief.

When you're living with chronic health challenges, it's natural to explore many different paths to healing. You might find yourself moving from chiropractors to homeopaths, from massage therapists to acupuncture—constantly seeking someone who can truly understand what your body is experiencing and can help you find relief.

And what about the cost of losing your ability to work?

When you add it all up, you  can easily spend thousands upon thousands on all these solutions.

👉 This is the cost you may be able to avoid if you achieve the results that so many others have in Hildur’s Health Mastery program.

Over these 16 weeks, this program will open your eyes and teach you so much about:

✅ The right nutrition for your body
✅ Hidden ingredients in food that may be harming you
✅ Your relationship with stress and its impact on your health

You'll learn the specific dietary and lifestyle adjustments to support your healing and maintain lasting well-being—physically and mentally.

You'll also receive guidance and support to help you achieve the health goals you’re aiming for.

More than 1,000 people have gone through Hildur’s program, and hundreds of them have seen life-changing results—regaining their energy, freedom, and vitality.

For many, chronic pain and exhaustion are now things of the past.

💛More energy. Better digestion. Less inflammation. Less pain. Better sleep. Weight loss.

💛These are just some of the incredible transformations participants have experienced.

👉 Are you ready to put yourself, your health, and your well-being first?

My mission is to help as many people as possible take back control of their health so that they can experience the same transformation that I did.

If you decide to join today, you’ll receive 10% off the full price—€1,347 instead of €1,497. And if it’s more comfortable for you, you can also choose a payment plan: €367 per month over 4 months.


Registrations for the course will close on April 2 8PM GMT



Sign up now and secure your spot in the program with a 10% discount – save €150!

Limited spots available at the discounted price until 8 PM GMT on Friday, March 28th.


Register for Hildur's Health Mastery today

Included in the program:
What's Included in the Course:
Hildur's Health Mastery
16 Weeks
Hildur's Health Mastery 1:1
16-week online course
27 educational videos with Hildur
13 additional resources and support materials in the course portal
8 practical assignments to support your health journey
A list of foods recommended to eliminate
Lists of foods, vitamins, and supplements Hildur recommends
A 100-page recipe booklet
Private Facebook community for all current participants
Daily posts in the Facebook group with product tips, recipes, and helpful insights
Weekly question thread where you can submit anything you're wondering about
Weekly live Q&A where your questions get answered
Group support calls every other week for extra guidance and motivation
Included in Hildur's Health Mastery 1:1 Mentorship:
24 one-on-one calls with Hildur
Ongoing support via Messenger
Additional 8 weeks of support (6 months total)
Private session with Hildur after enrollment

If you’re considering the Mentorship, you’ll find a quick summary of what’s included—along with the price—a little further down

Hildur's Health Mastery - 16 Weeks

Registrations for the course will close 8 PM GMT on Wednesday, April 2nd.

Best Price

Single Payment


Add to cart


Payment Plan
Pay €367 today! Then three monthly payments of €367.

€407 x 4

🔒 Payment is made on a secure server

+1,000 satisfied clients

Veldu þá leið sem hentar þér best

Heilsuefling Hildar MEÐ Handleiðslu



Tryggðu þér persónulegan stuðning Hildar samhliða námskeiðinu - 3 sæti laus




Tryggðu þér persónulegan stuðning Hildar samhliða námskeiðinu - 3 sæti laus

x 6

🔒 Greiðsla fer fram á öruggum netþjóni

+1.000 ánægðir skjólstæðingar

Want more personalized support?

If you’d like additional follow-up, accountability, and guidance directly from Hildur, you can join Hildur’s Health Mastery 1:1 Mentorship—a 6-month upgrade that includes everything in the main program plus:
✅ Weekly 1:1 sessions with Hildur to adapt the course to your personal needs
✅ Custom support tailored to your symptoms, pace, and situation
✅ Messenger access to Hildur between sessions for questions or quick check-ins
✅ 8 additional weeks of support (for a total of 6 months)

Hildur’s Health Mastery 1:1 Mentorship
Join Hildur’s Health Mastery 1:1 Mentorship to receive personal support from Hildur (only 5 places available)


Hildur’s Health Mastery 1:1 Mentorship

Secure Hildur's personal support during the course - 5 SPOTS available



Hildur’s Health Mastery 1:1 Mentorship

Secure Hildur's personal support during the course - 5 SPOTS available

€557 x 6

🔒 Payment is made on a secure server

+1,000 satisfied clients

"I write these words with deep gratitude. I was so fortunate to see an ad from Hildur on Facebook in October 2018. She was promoting her program, Hildur’s Health Mastery and I decided to take a leap and join.

For several years, I had been struggling with severe issues in my colon and stomach, suffering from painful hand eczema, and dealing with significant musculoskeletal problems. I was always exhausted—I slept poorly, woke up tired, and felt pain somewhere new every day. My energy was completely depleted, brain fog clouded my mind, and I felt weak overall. I dragged myself to work and did my best, but I had nothing left when I came home. I had no motivation to do anything for myself, not even swimming, which I used to love.

After just three weeks in the program, I started to feel a difference. I followed Hildur’s guidance completely, and I am beyond grateful for having met her because now, I feel like a brand-new person.

My energy is back. I wake up refreshed and pain-free. I sleep better, my mind is clearer, and I have so much more to give—both at work and at home. I no longer spend my evenings lying around until bedtime; instead, I go swimming, go for walks, and have even started practicing yoga again.

Hildur is an incredible source of knowledge about everything we put into our bodies—both the good and the bad. She follows up with participants individually and ensures that each person gets the guidance they need. The program is incredibly well-structured, introducing new steps each week under Hildur’s careful and compassionate leadership.

These words come from Hjordis Olafsdottir, a preschool director who is absolutely thrilled to have regained her health and is overflowing with gratitude. Thank you, dear Hildur, for helping me."

– Hjordis Olafsdottir

"Heartfelt thanks once again for an absolutely fantastic program in every way! My health had completely deteriorated, my well-being fluctuated constantly, and if I hadn’t changed my lifestyle and diet, I probably would have ended up struggling with depression on top of everything else.

It’s really no surprise how much it matters what we put into our bodies. In fact, it’s the key to health, well-being, and vitality. The German saying, ‘Der Mensch ist, was er isst’ (‘You are what you eat’), sums it up perfectly.

For a body that is already unwell, simply ‘eating everything in moderation’ or ‘eating plenty of healthy food’ is not enough. You need to go all in—and that’s something most of us can’t do on our own.

This program provides exactly the support you need. Being able to share challenges and victories with others is so important, and for me personally, it was one of the most powerful tools to stay committed and keep going. Changing old habits takes effort, but it is possible—and it’s so much easier to do it together, even though each person follows their own pace.

No one shames you (except maybe your own body when it protests after unhealthy choices). Instead, you are met with understanding, patience, encouragement, and practical guidance to help you figure it all out.

I wholeheartedly recommend joining this program as soon as possible. Life is happening now.

Thank you,”
– Myriam Dalstein

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I sign up?

You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your registration is complete. This email includes a link to a private Facebook group, which you will have access to throughout the program. Please request to join the group right away—we will open it the day the program begins.

The day before the program starts, we will send you an email with all the important details.

Will I need to make big changes to my diet?

In order to allow your body to begin the healing process, significant dietary changes are necessary. The program is quite strict in the beginning. However, as you start feeling better and your symptoms improve—or even disappear—you will gradually reintroduce certain foods at a pace that works for you.

How much time should I set aside for the program each week?

For the first four weeks, we release educational videos and materials three times a week. From weeks 5-16, we share new content once or twice a week. Since all lessons are recorded, you can watch them whenever it suits you during the program.

How long does it take to see results?

Most people start noticing positive changes in their digestion within two to three weeks—and this is key, as gut health lays the foundation for restoring balance in the rest of the body. However, the overall healing process varies greatly depending on each person’s health condition when they start the program.

We encourage you to commit to the full 16 weeks, assess your progress at the end, and decide then whether it’s worth continuing along this path.

What about the medications I’m taking?

We recommend that you consult your doctor and let them know you are participating in this program. They can help monitor your progress and adjust your medication if necessary. Many participants have found that they need lower doses or can even stop taking certain medications after following the program.

What if I’ll be traveling during the program? Will I miss out?

As long as you have internet access, you can fully participate and follow along at your own pace.

How long do I have access to the course materials?

The program lasts 16 weeks, and you will have access to the materials for an additional two weeks after the program ends.

If you wish to continue working with Hildur after that, you can join the Support Program, where you will maintain full access to all course content along with ongoing guidance from Hildur’s team.

Do I need to be vegan to join?

No, absolutely not! However, vegans and vegetarians can also participate and will experience the same benefits as other participants.

Will I experience any discomfort or side effects?

You may experience some detox symptoms during the first 1-2 weeks, but this varies from person to person. Some people don’t notice anything, while others might feel flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headaches, or body aches.

Additionally, some existing symptoms may temporarily worsen before they improve, which is a normal part of the healing process.

Can I have direct contact with Hildur during the program?

Hildur’s Health Mastery is not a 1:1 coaching program, unless you choose to upgrade to Hildur’s Health Mastery 1:1 Mentorship, where you receive individual support and private coaching sessions with Hildur throughout your journey.

However, you can always submit questions weekly in the Q&A thread inside the Facebook group, and Hildur’s team will answer them during the live Q&A sessions.

If you prefer to ask anonymously, you can email your question, and it will be answered without your name being mentioned.

In addition, the program includes group coaching calls every two weeks, where you can receive personal guidance from Hildur and her team.

You will also be part of a private Facebook group, where you’ll receive additional support from Hildur’s team and other participants on the same journey as you.

If you have any questions about the program, feel free to email us at info@hildurshealthmastery.com, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Are you ready to take charge of your health and well-being?

Sign up now for the 16-week online program

Hildur’s Health Mastery


Are you ready to take charge of your health and well-being?

Sign up now for the 16-week online program

Hildur’s Health Mastery